Stepping Through the Ashes (Signed)

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Stepping Through the Ashes (Signed)


Many photographers have recorded the devastation of 9/11, but Eugene Richards, as always, transcends description to offer instead a way to reconsider, and thus begin to come to terms with this tragedy. He says, “The World Trade Center has been largely dealt with as a crime scene, as a horror, or as the tourist attraction it is fast becoming. What I see when I stare downtown is an ever evolving repository for the missing, a focal point for grieving, for remembering, for reflection, for self examination.”

This book then is about New York and America during a period of sudden and massive historical, economic, and psychological change. It’s about how we feel about September 11th, how we feel about our country today, how we feel about those lost in the disaster. It’s also about how we feel about violence against innocents, non-combatants in a war. You view the ruins, you think about the Warsaw ghetto, Sarajevo, the London Blitz, the fire bombing of Dresden, Hiroshima. You think about the loss of beauty that comes with such violence, the sudden loss of family relationships, intelligence, promise.

Hardcover: 192 pages
Publisher: Aperture; First Edition (09/15/02)
Condition: Out of Print, mint condition

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